Live Panel Webinar - No recording will be availableVerified by GS1: Perspectives, Benefits from Supply and Demand Side
Kellogg Company and Kroger share their stories
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GS1 US Retail Grocery Initiative Executive Leadership Committee members share their perspectives
Hosted by James Chronowski, GS1 US Vice President, Data Quality, members of the GS1 US Retail Grocery Initiative Executive Leadership Committee will share their perspectives on how brands can leverage this new “validation” capability to better manage their product data and why retailers are excited about ingesting “clean” information into their various systems supporting inventory and sales. In this webinar, panelists will answer:
- What are the ROI benefits for brand owners who upload their product data to the GS1 Registry Platform for Verified by GS1?
- How do retailers use validated Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs) and the 6 additional product attributes needed for Verified by GS1 to advance their analytics and supply chain efficiencies?
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If you’re not familiar with Verified by GS1, we recommend you view “What’s Verified by GS1?” in our GS1 US University Learning Management System, prior to attending this program.